Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America's Next Top Model

So, I am sure those who know me, know that I am auditioning for America's Next Top Model. Considering I do not know who all reads this, perhaps, some of you do not know. The local CW station is having a contest for a chance to meet the casting directors in LA!

The first round started in September and ended October 27, 2008. I sat on pins and needles for a week, waiting to find out who advanced to round 2. And what do you know??? Little old me made the cut. I am 1 of 20 finalists.

Round 2 ends 12/1/2008. Please vote for me. Modeling has always been something that I have wanted to do, but have been a little nervous to pursue it. I like to think of myself as someone who likes a challenge, but I realized I steered away from the modeling scene and stuck my head in the books, because education is what I know. I have always been a "smart cookie". School always came easy for me. I auditioned for America's Next Top Model 3 or 4 times in the past and did not make it on to the show, so I guess I let those unfavorable outcomes discourage me.

That was the past. Today is a new day. I am embracing my fear and have decided to give this a shot again. Anything in life worth having requires hard work. So, please, VOTE FOR ME! You can vote once/day until 12/1/2008. You don't need to create a login or anything like that, just visit the site and VOTE.

"Ericka Sherrell" is the portfolio
