Tomorrow is a day that I have looked forward to since President Bush was re-elected into office 4 years ago. Tomorrow is a day that I know can actually come, a new tomorrow, a new start, a new change. I look forward to tomorrow because of Barack Obama. He has a vision, he has a plan, and he has a purpose. He cares about the well being of the American People (young/old, rich/poor, black/brown/white, male/female, etc), unlike President Bush and his twin John McCain who seem to live in a diamond filled bubble.
For once, Main Street matters. My street matters. I am not one to ever deny my upbringing or the hard times I have seen. Up until now, it seems that no one in a position of power has ever really cared. Bush doesn't care about the failing children in local schools. Why you ask? Because his children don't attend those schools. Bush doesn't care how many people leave to Iraq and never return home, why? Because his sons and daughters aren't risking their lives for this country. Bush doesn't care about making college education affordable, because his daughter did not have to worry about how she would finance her college education. Bush doesn't care about health insurance for everyone. You ask why? Because he is insured. Bush does not get it and neither does McCain. They reside in a false reality of an unrealistic America.
We cannot have another person in the White House who does not understand the AMERICAN struggle and makes no attempt to try. Everyone in this country is not wealthy. If we lived in a society without a social heirachy, then maybe Bush or McCain would be the men for the job. Obama understands the average American. Obama is the average American. He is intelligent (Columbia :) and Harvard educated), he is courageous, he is a man of integrity, and a man of good character.
I cannot express enough how much this day means to me. I would be a liar if I denied the fact that I AM PROUD of Barack Obama as an African American man, but his skin color comes second. People tend to have a notion that all blacks stick together and that is such a stereotype. He is qualified and capable and that cannot be denied. The pigment in his skin just so happens to be a little darker. To think that at one point, we were denied the right to vote and now an African American has a chance at becoming the President of the United States of America.
I am praying that everyone will exercise their American right and vote. It is FREE. It is EASY. It is worth it. No matter how long of a line you encounter tomorrow waiting to cast your vote....WAIT IN LINE. That line is short compared to what the next 4 years will be like if George W. Bush III is elected into office.
My name is Ericka and I approve this message :)

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