I am sure the title of this blog entry is something that we have all heard, "NEVER MIX BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE". The context in which this phrase was heard, may vary based on individual experiences. For me, this phrase was always used to describe the idea of never dating anyone you work with, keep your work life and your love life separate. . . Well, before I get too deep into this, let me just say, this blog will not be about my lustings of a co-worker (simply because I am not lusting after anyone lol). Instead this blog will be about something a little different. . . .
Never mix business with FAMILY. I am sure a lot of people have differing opinions on this issue, but I am just going to express mines. Perhaps, you readers can tell me your personal stance on the issue?
I am sure anyone who has reached a certain level of success, whether it be graduating college, starting your career, receiving a promotion, winning the lottery, pursuing modeling or any other dream that pays big money, has heard the phrase, "Don't forget about me when you get big, you know we go way back" or "Hook me up with that job, that car, that man, that woman. . . come on, you gotta look out for family".
I am guessing that maybe I missed the memo. I missed the set of life instructions that says, "Rule #1, always look out, provide for, and help family. . . NO MATTER WHAT". Before you all develop an opinion of me, let me just say, I am in no way selfish. I am caring and I share with others. I believe in helping others that are less fortunate, but just because you're family does not guarantee that I am going to extend myself to you. So many times people (including family) do not care anything about you until you have something to offer them.
There are other instances where individuals have a specific skill and relatives would like to receive the service of the skilled individual free of charge, i.e. styling hair and nails, babysitting, preparing taxes, etc. Why is it that relatives do not think that people should be compensated for their time. If a relative does your hair every two weeks, why is it assumed that the services will be free? If you go to a salon and get your hair done, do you compensate the stylist by simply saying, "thanks for looking out"? No, you dig into your purse and pay the required fee.
If a relative is skilled at preparing taxes and you need your taxes done immediately because you waited until the last minute, should the relative professional have to drop what he or she is doing to spend time preparing your taxes free of charge? No. When you goto H&R Block and meet with a tax agent, is flashing your pearly white smile considered compensation for the services that this establishment has provided?
Or how about a relative stays home during the day and agrees to babysit your child while you goto work because you asked for help. You agree to pay your relative $10/day to care for your rugrat. Is it fair for you to not show up? To cancel at the last minute? To not pay the babysitting fee weekly? To make statements such as, "money is tight, we are family and we go way back. I know someone who will do this for free".
A service is a service. Where is the respect for people's time and skill? It seems that family will take advantage of you quicker than a stranger. I am not saying that it is always about the money. I also do not think people should be greedy, but family should realize that everyone's time is valuable. Just because you are family does not mean you're automatically entitled to free services.
I do not know about you, but I will never hire family to work for me. I will never set family up with my friends. I will not babysit for family on a regular basis. I will not become your personal stylist. I will not be your tax agent. I will not give handouts to random family members that don't even really care about me. Call it selfish, call it mean, call it whatever you want. . . but the economy is bad, everyone has their own hustle. I will not risk allowing family to mess up my funds.
Making money is a business. I will not mix my money with any and everyone because I may just end up broke.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away
Here I am, in the Evergreen State. Living in Western Washington with the rain. I've been here since June and it has not really rained until now (November). Before moving here, I was advised and warned about the constant rain and gray skies, from people who had never visited the state before. A friend of mine said to me, "well it rains all the time and the grass isn't green"! How exactly does that sound? Plants need water to grow and if I am not mistaken, isn't grass a plant? With that being said, the grass is VERY GREEN. No offense to my friend if she decides to read this lol.
I experienced a beautiful June, July, August, September, and a half way decent October. It is November and I am waking up to rainy days and gray skies. The rain is different from rain on the east coast, the rain isn't cold and it typically isn't heavy. As weird as it may sound, I honestly don't mind the rain as of today. I am a home body (is that a word or a phrase?) lol. The rain is an excuse for me to snuggle up in doors with my sweetie and spend quality time.
Although,I must say, I do have one complaint. I HATE driving in it. My dislike with driving in the rain stems from two things, the first being an experience I had when I first learned how to drive and the second being Washington drivers. About a week after I got my license, I had to drive on the highway to pick my little sister up from a friend's house. It was early in the morning and it was pouring buckets of rain. My car skid from the left lane all the way to the right lane in a matter of 2 seconds. Being a new driver, it was one of the scariest things I'd ever experienced. I guess I have been traumatized ever since then. Don't get me wrong, I know how to drive in the rain, I just don't really like to. My second issue with driving in the rain, Washington drivers. Some of these people do not know how to drive. They do not know the definition of yield, merge, and brake. Many Washingtonians slam on their brakes for no apparent reason. They drive extra extra slow in rain that they should be accustomed to driving in by now (no offense to the Washington residents who actually know how to drive).
I guess, I'll have to suck it up, because the rain certainly isn't going anywhere, but at least I have MY "sunshine".
I experienced a beautiful June, July, August, September, and a half way decent October. It is November and I am waking up to rainy days and gray skies. The rain is different from rain on the east coast, the rain isn't cold and it typically isn't heavy. As weird as it may sound, I honestly don't mind the rain as of today. I am a home body (is that a word or a phrase?) lol. The rain is an excuse for me to snuggle up in doors with my sweetie and spend quality time.
Although,I must say, I do have one complaint. I HATE driving in it. My dislike with driving in the rain stems from two things, the first being an experience I had when I first learned how to drive and the second being Washington drivers. About a week after I got my license, I had to drive on the highway to pick my little sister up from a friend's house. It was early in the morning and it was pouring buckets of rain. My car skid from the left lane all the way to the right lane in a matter of 2 seconds. Being a new driver, it was one of the scariest things I'd ever experienced. I guess I have been traumatized ever since then. Don't get me wrong, I know how to drive in the rain, I just don't really like to. My second issue with driving in the rain, Washington drivers. Some of these people do not know how to drive. They do not know the definition of yield, merge, and brake. Many Washingtonians slam on their brakes for no apparent reason. They drive extra extra slow in rain that they should be accustomed to driving in by now (no offense to the Washington residents who actually know how to drive).
I guess, I'll have to suck it up, because the rain certainly isn't going anywhere, but at least I have MY "sunshine".
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
America's Next Top Model
So, I am sure those who know me, know that I am auditioning for America's Next Top Model. Considering I do not know who all reads this, perhaps, some of you do not know. The local CW station is having a contest for a chance to meet the casting directors in LA!
The first round started in September and ended October 27, 2008. I sat on pins and needles for a week, waiting to find out who advanced to round 2. And what do you know??? Little old me made the cut. I am 1 of 20 finalists.
Round 2 ends 12/1/2008. Please vote for me. Modeling has always been something that I have wanted to do, but have been a little nervous to pursue it. I like to think of myself as someone who likes a challenge, but I realized I steered away from the modeling scene and stuck my head in the books, because education is what I know. I have always been a "smart cookie". School always came easy for me. I auditioned for America's Next Top Model 3 or 4 times in the past and did not make it on to the show, so I guess I let those unfavorable outcomes discourage me.
That was the past. Today is a new day. I am embracing my fear and have decided to give this a shot again. Anything in life worth having requires hard work. So, please, VOTE FOR ME! You can vote once/day until 12/1/2008. You don't need to create a login or anything like that, just visit the site and VOTE.
"Ericka Sherrell" is the portfolio
The first round started in September and ended October 27, 2008. I sat on pins and needles for a week, waiting to find out who advanced to round 2. And what do you know??? Little old me made the cut. I am 1 of 20 finalists.
Round 2 ends 12/1/2008. Please vote for me. Modeling has always been something that I have wanted to do, but have been a little nervous to pursue it. I like to think of myself as someone who likes a challenge, but I realized I steered away from the modeling scene and stuck my head in the books, because education is what I know. I have always been a "smart cookie". School always came easy for me. I auditioned for America's Next Top Model 3 or 4 times in the past and did not make it on to the show, so I guess I let those unfavorable outcomes discourage me.
That was the past. Today is a new day. I am embracing my fear and have decided to give this a shot again. Anything in life worth having requires hard work. So, please, VOTE FOR ME! You can vote once/day until 12/1/2008. You don't need to create a login or anything like that, just visit the site and VOTE.
"Ericka Sherrell" is the portfolio
Monday, November 3, 2008
I do not even know where to begin. I am probably too excited to write a detailed and well thought out blog, so with that being said, I am just going to type. I don't even plan to proof read.
Tomorrow is a day that I have looked forward to since President Bush was re-elected into office 4 years ago. Tomorrow is a day that I know can actually come, a new tomorrow, a new start, a new change. I look forward to tomorrow because of Barack Obama. He has a vision, he has a plan, and he has a purpose. He cares about the well being of the American People (young/old, rich/poor, black/brown/white, male/female, etc), unlike President Bush and his twin John McCain who seem to live in a diamond filled bubble.
For once, Main Street matters. My street matters. I am not one to ever deny my upbringing or the hard times I have seen. Up until now, it seems that no one in a position of power has ever really cared. Bush doesn't care about the failing children in local schools. Why you ask? Because his children don't attend those schools. Bush doesn't care how many people leave to Iraq and never return home, why? Because his sons and daughters aren't risking their lives for this country. Bush doesn't care about making college education affordable, because his daughter did not have to worry about how she would finance her college education. Bush doesn't care about health insurance for everyone. You ask why? Because he is insured. Bush does not get it and neither does McCain. They reside in a false reality of an unrealistic America.
We cannot have another person in the White House who does not understand the AMERICAN struggle and makes no attempt to try. Everyone in this country is not wealthy. If we lived in a society without a social heirachy, then maybe Bush or McCain would be the men for the job. Obama understands the average American. Obama is the average American. He is intelligent (Columbia :) and Harvard educated), he is courageous, he is a man of integrity, and a man of good character.
I cannot express enough how much this day means to me. I would be a liar if I denied the fact that I AM PROUD of Barack Obama as an African American man, but his skin color comes second. People tend to have a notion that all blacks stick together and that is such a stereotype. He is qualified and capable and that cannot be denied. The pigment in his skin just so happens to be a little darker. To think that at one point, we were denied the right to vote and now an African American has a chance at becoming the President of the United States of America.
I am praying that everyone will exercise their American right and vote. It is FREE. It is EASY. It is worth it. No matter how long of a line you encounter tomorrow waiting to cast your vote....WAIT IN LINE. That line is short compared to what the next 4 years will be like if George W. Bush III is elected into office.
My name is Ericka and I approve this message :)
Tomorrow is a day that I have looked forward to since President Bush was re-elected into office 4 years ago. Tomorrow is a day that I know can actually come, a new tomorrow, a new start, a new change. I look forward to tomorrow because of Barack Obama. He has a vision, he has a plan, and he has a purpose. He cares about the well being of the American People (young/old, rich/poor, black/brown/white, male/female, etc), unlike President Bush and his twin John McCain who seem to live in a diamond filled bubble.
For once, Main Street matters. My street matters. I am not one to ever deny my upbringing or the hard times I have seen. Up until now, it seems that no one in a position of power has ever really cared. Bush doesn't care about the failing children in local schools. Why you ask? Because his children don't attend those schools. Bush doesn't care how many people leave to Iraq and never return home, why? Because his sons and daughters aren't risking their lives for this country. Bush doesn't care about making college education affordable, because his daughter did not have to worry about how she would finance her college education. Bush doesn't care about health insurance for everyone. You ask why? Because he is insured. Bush does not get it and neither does McCain. They reside in a false reality of an unrealistic America.
We cannot have another person in the White House who does not understand the AMERICAN struggle and makes no attempt to try. Everyone in this country is not wealthy. If we lived in a society without a social heirachy, then maybe Bush or McCain would be the men for the job. Obama understands the average American. Obama is the average American. He is intelligent (Columbia :) and Harvard educated), he is courageous, he is a man of integrity, and a man of good character.
I cannot express enough how much this day means to me. I would be a liar if I denied the fact that I AM PROUD of Barack Obama as an African American man, but his skin color comes second. People tend to have a notion that all blacks stick together and that is such a stereotype. He is qualified and capable and that cannot be denied. The pigment in his skin just so happens to be a little darker. To think that at one point, we were denied the right to vote and now an African American has a chance at becoming the President of the United States of America.
I am praying that everyone will exercise their American right and vote. It is FREE. It is EASY. It is worth it. No matter how long of a line you encounter tomorrow waiting to cast your vote....WAIT IN LINE. That line is short compared to what the next 4 years will be like if George W. Bush III is elected into office.
My name is Ericka and I approve this message :)

4 Letter Word
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
1 Corinthians 13
A simple scripture provides so much meaning and clarity.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
1 Corinthians 13
A simple scripture provides so much meaning and clarity.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sold Out
I am currently standing in line to pick up 2 tickets to a sold out show.

I've gone through the hassle of searching and purchasing online. I've been given seats with obstruction of the stage, left overs, nose bleed sections, and lawn seats. I've paid online, only to have my "red card" with no credit limit, rejected 2 or 3 times. Maybe this time, Ticketmaster will give me what I deserve. . . front row, center stage. I am waiting in the will call line, hoping they give me my money's worth. Although, I must say, my feet sure do hurt.

To be continued. . .
I've gone through the hassle of searching and purchasing online. I've been given seats with obstruction of the stage, left overs, nose bleed sections, and lawn seats. I've paid online, only to have my "red card" with no credit limit, rejected 2 or 3 times. Maybe this time, Ticketmaster will give me what I deserve. . . front row, center stage. I am waiting in the will call line, hoping they give me my money's worth. Although, I must say, my feet sure do hurt.

To be continued. . .
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My "Child"
Where do I begin?
Well, apparently, I have a child. I guess I was pregnant for 9 months, gave birth, and knew nothing about it. Interesting isn't it? It is amazing what one person's misconception(s) can cause. Before I get started, let me just say a few things; I do not mean any disrespect to anyone who has a child or is currently pregnant. I am not speaking for everyone. I am simply speaking for myself, expressing my own personal opinions.
Those who know me, know that I am a frequent user of myspace and facebook. Those who know me, also know that I take a lot of pictures of myself, family, friends, events, etc. So, with that being said, I have a quite of few albums of pictures on facebook. I have pictures of my two nieces and my God son. While I may not have labeled every single picture indicating who the child is (did not think I had to), I did make it clear that the pictures were of my nieces and God son. But, somehow it was concluded that I have a child. What really bothered me about this situation is that people are so quick to make assumptions, jump to conclusions, and judge a person based on their personal expectations.
To further elaborate, I grew up in a town that is infamous for complacency. This may sound very opinionated, but trust me, this is not opinion based, it is a FACT! It is filled with people that lead stagnant lifestyles (not everyone). A lot of people in my age cohort have children (again, no disrespect to anyone who has a child, just expressing my opinion). The church I went to (the only black baptist church in the town) is also filled with generations of stagnant people. Generations of people who have nothing better to do with their time than to gossip about other people's success and endeavors as opposed to making positive things happen in their lives. There are individuals making baby after baby after baby without adequate means of supporting their offspring (again, this message does not apply to everyone in this town or at this church). So, I have concluded that the individual who assumed I had a child has categorized me with the stagnancy in that community.
To make it worse, this individual expressed his congratulatory remarks about my new "bundle of joy" to my mother and a group of people after church service. For the record, let me just say, I am sure he meant no harm by his remarks, but considering the number of gossipers in that congregation, it is fuel for their fire. And clearly, these remarks have started a fire.
I don't know what bothers me more, the individual that made the conclusion or that some of my family would think that I would hide a baby.
I am grown. I have a college degree. I have an apartment. I am in a long term and stable relationship. I have a great job. I have the means of supporting myself, so why would I hide a pregnancy or a child? Now, let me also say, I AM NOT TRYING TO HAVE A BABY ANYTIME SOON. I have set my own personal goals for parenting; these goals include, being married, having another degree (masters or working towards PhD), owning property, and being at least a few years older. But, if I were pregnant or had a child, would there be a need to hide it? Definitely not. . .
I guess this entry was for me to vent. It bothers me when people make assumptions. It bothers me when people pass judgment on others. It bothers me that certain people would think I would hide a baby. I guess at some point, I shouldn't concern myself with what others think, no matter who it is. . .
Well, apparently, I have a child. I guess I was pregnant for 9 months, gave birth, and knew nothing about it. Interesting isn't it? It is amazing what one person's misconception(s) can cause. Before I get started, let me just say a few things; I do not mean any disrespect to anyone who has a child or is currently pregnant. I am not speaking for everyone. I am simply speaking for myself, expressing my own personal opinions.
Those who know me, know that I am a frequent user of myspace and facebook. Those who know me, also know that I take a lot of pictures of myself, family, friends, events, etc. So, with that being said, I have a quite of few albums of pictures on facebook. I have pictures of my two nieces and my God son. While I may not have labeled every single picture indicating who the child is (did not think I had to), I did make it clear that the pictures were of my nieces and God son. But, somehow it was concluded that I have a child. What really bothered me about this situation is that people are so quick to make assumptions, jump to conclusions, and judge a person based on their personal expectations.
To further elaborate, I grew up in a town that is infamous for complacency. This may sound very opinionated, but trust me, this is not opinion based, it is a FACT! It is filled with people that lead stagnant lifestyles (not everyone). A lot of people in my age cohort have children (again, no disrespect to anyone who has a child, just expressing my opinion). The church I went to (the only black baptist church in the town) is also filled with generations of stagnant people. Generations of people who have nothing better to do with their time than to gossip about other people's success and endeavors as opposed to making positive things happen in their lives. There are individuals making baby after baby after baby without adequate means of supporting their offspring (again, this message does not apply to everyone in this town or at this church). So, I have concluded that the individual who assumed I had a child has categorized me with the stagnancy in that community.
To make it worse, this individual expressed his congratulatory remarks about my new "bundle of joy" to my mother and a group of people after church service. For the record, let me just say, I am sure he meant no harm by his remarks, but considering the number of gossipers in that congregation, it is fuel for their fire. And clearly, these remarks have started a fire.
I don't know what bothers me more, the individual that made the conclusion or that some of my family would think that I would hide a baby.
I am grown. I have a college degree. I have an apartment. I am in a long term and stable relationship. I have a great job. I have the means of supporting myself, so why would I hide a pregnancy or a child? Now, let me also say, I AM NOT TRYING TO HAVE A BABY ANYTIME SOON. I have set my own personal goals for parenting; these goals include, being married, having another degree (masters or working towards PhD), owning property, and being at least a few years older. But, if I were pregnant or had a child, would there be a need to hide it? Definitely not. . .
I guess this entry was for me to vent. It bothers me when people make assumptions. It bothers me when people pass judgment on others. It bothers me that certain people would think I would hide a baby. I guess at some point, I shouldn't concern myself with what others think, no matter who it is. . .
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